
Rhymebank exercise: Weep

For today's Rhymbank exercise you will follow a series of steps and then produce a piece using some of the generated lines or phrases.

1) Take just a couple minutes and jot down/type all rhymes and slant rhymes (include phrases for multi-syllabic words/feminine rhymes) you can think of just off the top of your head for the word: Weep.
2) Pick three of those words you wrote down. For each word and the original write three poetic lines or sentences (12 total).
3) Pick two of those sentences/lines that do not use the word at the end and and rephrase it so that it is the last word in the line or sentence.
4) Look up more rhymes for Weep and pick a few that you hadn't thought of if you can. If there aren't any, pick two more from your list.
5) Write three poetic lines or sentences using two of the additional words (6 total).
6) Somehow utilize a jeep in five different sentences, one including a toy jeep, one including a jeep on tv and the others however you want.
7) Write a poem or flash fiction that includes at least one of the jeep lines that you wrote down, and try to utilize as many of the other lines or sentences you have already written. Of course tweaking is both allowed and encouraged to make the lines and facts work, but don't be afraid of unexpected jumps or unintuitive leaps in topic or tone. Sometimes that jarring change produces a really great effect in the reader. Bonus points if you write a rhyming poem or a ghazal.

(Highlight any lines or sentences or phrases that turned out especially good for later harvesting when a piece needs something).