Beat Summer Submission Blues with 9 Publications Opening for Creative Writing Submissions on June 1, 2019
Summer is a known lull-time for making writing submissions, especially to literary magazines. Submitting poetry or submitting short stories can be a difficult process by itself, but finding places to send your work during the summer can make the process of publishing your creative writing even harder. I've put together a list of 9 journals, reviews and magazines which are opening for unsolicited submissions on June 1st (or in a couple cases, opening to free submissions).
This is your call for submissions!
To do more of your own research into perspective publications definitely see The Review Review, New Pages, Duotrope (requires a subscription, but very very useful), Submission Grinder (includes many trade/genre magazines others miss—mostly sci-fi/fantasy/horror) and Submittable's Discovery tab. For some general submission tips and a long list of journals that accept flash fiction check out my post Zebulon's Guide to Flash Fiction Submissions. It breaks down how to submit your writing for publication in detail if you're unfamiliar with the process.
Split Lip Magazine: Online literary journal.
Click here for The Review Review's description.
Click here to submit.
Click here to read archives/samples.
Click here to submit.
While they have rolling submissions, June 1st marks their short free submission period. Split Lip's Poets & Writers description is very succinct: "Split Lip Magazine is voice-driven literary magazine with a pop culture twist. We publish online monthly and in print annually."
Sugar House Review: Print and PDF literary journal.
Click here for The Review Review's description.
Click here to read a preview of the upcoming issue.
Click here to submit.
While they have 'fast track' submissions open until July (which includes a pdf version of the magazine), on June 1st they open their short free submission period. I'd recommend the fast track submission if you don't have a subscription because the digital version of the journal is definitely worth $3.
Ploughshares: Print literary journal.
Click here for The Review Review's description.
Click here for a recent issue review at New Pages.
Click here to submit.
Ploughshares is a world-renowned literary journal that publishes only the best of the best, and believe that they get thousands of submissions a month. Only send your best pieces, and definitely get a subscription if you can.
Into the Void: Canadian Online and print culture and literary journal.
Click here for The Review Review's description.
Click here to submit.
While they have rolling submissions, June 1st marks their short free submission period. Split Lip's Poets & Writers description is very succinct: "Split Lip Magazine is voice-driven literary magazine with a pop culture twist. We publish online monthly and in print annually."
Sugar House Review: Print and PDF literary journal.
Click here for The Review Review's description.
Click here to read a preview of the upcoming issue.
Click here to submit.
While they have 'fast track' submissions open until July (which includes a pdf version of the magazine), on June 1st they open their short free submission period. I'd recommend the fast track submission if you don't have a subscription because the digital version of the journal is definitely worth $3.
Click here for The Review Review's description.
Click here for a recent issue review at New Pages.
Click here to submit.
Ploughshares is a world-renowned literary journal that publishes only the best of the best, and believe that they get thousands of submissions a month. Only send your best pieces, and definitely get a subscription if you can.
Into the Void: Canadian Online and print culture and literary journal.
Click here for The Review Review's description.
Into the Void isn't just a literary magazine, it includes culture and arts essays, articles and features. That said, they do publish a good amount of poetry and short fiction.
Ilanot Review: Themed online literary journal from Israel.
Click here for The Review Review's description.
Click here to read the current issue.
Click here to submit.
While based in Israel they publish writing from the whole world and have a good mix of styles and content. I've contacted them about the upcoming theme but have not yet heard back. It will likely be announced when they open up officially.
About Place: Themed online journal (theme: Infinite Country: Deepening Our Connection to Place, Culture and One Another).
Click here for the magazine's description of their theme.
Click here for New Pages' description.
About Place focuses on shorter pieces, limiting poems at 50 lines, and fiction at 4000 words. Be sure to read their theme and a few pieces to see how successful submissions addressed the announced topics to make your submission the best it can be.
Black Warrior Review: Print literary journal.
Click here for The Review Review's description.
Click here for a New Pages review of the 2018 Spring/Summer issue.
Black Warrior Review is a highly regarded literary magazine out of the University of Alabama's MFA program. They are big on literary comics (for literary journals at least) and like Ploughshares, they receive tons and tons of submissions to be sure to read their samples and send the best and most appropriate pieces.
Space & Time Magazine: Trade magazine: Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction.
Click here to read samples from the current issue.
Click here to submit.
While most of the listings here are literary journals, this is a magazine dedicated to genre fiction, poetry and art. They specify: "We seek: science fiction, fantasy, horror, steampunk, magical realism—we look for work with a speculative element and creative hybrids. Gratuitous sex and gore do not impress us, so only include if they are integral to the plot. No children’s stories. " They do not accept Simultaneous Submissions.
Click here to submit.
While most of the listings here are literary journals, this is a magazine dedicated to genre fiction, poetry and art. They specify: "We seek: science fiction, fantasy, horror, steampunk, magical realism—we look for work with a speculative element and creative hybrids. Gratuitous sex and gore do not impress us, so only include if they are integral to the plot. No children’s stories. " They do not accept Simultaneous Submissions.
Gigantic Sequins: Print literary journal.
Click here for The Review Review's description.
Click here to read archives/samples.
Click here to see a preview video for their upcoming issue.
Click here to submit.
Gigantic Sequins is a beautifully produced literary journal that always includes really great artwork so if you happen to have a visual medium that you practice as well, consider that as well.
So while the summer doesn't have as many submission opportunities as the fall or spring, there are many places to submit your poetry or to submit your short story or submit your artwork for publication. The summer is also a good time to catch up on reading some of the many many journals currently publishing.
I've always found that the more compelling writing that I read, the more desire I have to write, the more ideas come to me even when I'm not reading or writing. Generating a few new pieces worthy of submitting will also be useful when the fall semester rolls around and the floodgates of journals open for your poems, prose, photography and whatever else you think a journal or magazine or literary website might want to publish. I'd also recommend doing some of my daily writing exercises so that you are given the seed to build your piece off of, which can often be the hardest thing to come up with from scratch.
Happy reading, writing and submitting this summer!
Click here to see a preview video for their upcoming issue.
Click here to submit.
Gigantic Sequins is a beautifully produced literary journal that always includes really great artwork so if you happen to have a visual medium that you practice as well, consider that as well.
So while the summer doesn't have as many submission opportunities as the fall or spring, there are many places to submit your poetry or to submit your short story or submit your artwork for publication. The summer is also a good time to catch up on reading some of the many many journals currently publishing.
I've always found that the more compelling writing that I read, the more desire I have to write, the more ideas come to me even when I'm not reading or writing. Generating a few new pieces worthy of submitting will also be useful when the fall semester rolls around and the floodgates of journals open for your poems, prose, photography and whatever else you think a journal or magazine or literary website might want to publish. I'd also recommend doing some of my daily writing exercises so that you are given the seed to build your piece off of, which can often be the hardest thing to come up with from scratch.
Happy reading, writing and submitting this summer!