
National Poetry Month 2020 Activity Pack Day 28

April 2020 remains... which means...
Every day for National Poetry Month I'll be posting a few fun or interesting poetry links or videos, a Throwback writing prompt from this site, a few poems published in the last couple years and a couple classic poems—things that are poetry-related interesting or fun.

You will have a change to write poetry even if you've never done it before—the writing prompts aim to demystify the process of writing a poem. This will not take the place of the 2020 Writing Exercise Series, but will be in addition to it, so there will be a bounty of poetry to feast your eyes upon.

So. Let's begin.

April 28, 2020
National Poetry Month 2020 Activity Pack Day 28

1)  What a terribly sad day yesterday with Eavan Boland passing. The world was only better for her being a part of it, and her words shall live on. So, let's start out with this video of Stephen Fry discussing meter and his love of classic poetry. I adore Fry, and though I don't share his infatuation with classical poetry, it's always great to see someone talk about their passions.

2) TV TIME! Let's go to the land of Neo-formalism for two videos by LA poet Timothy Steele. First the poem "In the Italian Alps"

Now let's listen Timothy Steele's lovely tetrameter poem "Jardin des Tuileries".

And finally, Edward Hirsch reads his poem "Self Portrait", with an animation effect that is interesting from the multi-media journal Rattapallax

3) Now go read one, or preferably all of the following three 'recently' published poems:

“Daisies” by James B. Nicola in Stickman Review V18N2.
"Evolution Theory" by Suzanne Verrall  in Star 82 Review Issue 8.1.
"The Thing That Keeps Me" by Holly Day in Studio One Volume 44, 2019. 

4) Go read all of the following three poems that were published more than two years ago:

5) Here is an insightful video of Edward Hirsch talking about what poets can learn from fiction writers and what fiction writers can learn from poets, among other things in this ranging 6 minute video.

6) The time machine is set to November 19, 2019 for this "Title Mania" exercise from the Fall Writing Exercise Series. Easy peasy! and see where your imagination/pen/keyboard takes you.