That's right, poetry duels! Challenge fellow writers to a timed duel to the... um... profound?
Also there are channels for submission and lit mag news, for craft questions, for bi-monthly prompt features and feedback and other workshopping both informal and formal.
If you want to participate in any 'original writing' channels, message Zebulon and I will get you the necessary permissions, we want this to be in no way shape or form to be 'previously published', so you will be able to publish each piece you create in workshops or duels.Let's have some fun and generate some new writing!You may make up your own duel rules, and as many people as you want, however the standard rule will be:
To participate: If you want in, Say so in here. You can call out people who have indicated they're interested, or even any other members who have the Workshopper Role. It's up to them if they want to duel and those most likely to be game are those who said they want in. Be sure to always be polite. This is a generative thing, not a competitive thing, unless you wanna do a 'rivalry' thing, as long as everyone is on the same page. Be sure to link their account when it pops up, don't just put their name, or they won't see the 'call out'
The Challenge: Each person in the duel will make up '3 Things' which must be in the other person's poem (3+-way matches, each person picks one thing and everyone uses the same set of words).
Voting/feedback is optional and should be decided by the duelers
Time to Complete: A Lightning Duel will be completed in 30 minutes. A Fast Duel will be completed in 1 hour. A Polished Duel will be completed in 1 week, and a Deferred Duel will be completed in 1 month.
Be it a one-on-one duel or a 'group battle', each duel will result in new writing being generated so that's always a win.